Friday, 26 November 2010


We refilmed some of the outside courtyard scenes today so that we had more footage to edit and so we could get the shots we wanted. We wanted the following shots and got them:

  • A full pan of the characters outside

  • Reaction shots to our character Harry being introduced

  • A slow hand held shot from the POV of the two boys walking round to introduce them

  • The group hanging out and a bit of fighting occurring

We are now happy with our amount of footage and think we can get further with our editing.

Before we went and did the filming, Alice and I created a one line bio for each of our actors to guide them slightly in their character portrayal. We based their characters on characters from Skins/Misfits/The Inbetweeners, as not only is it relevant to our targer audience, but we knew that it would help our actors who have all seen one of those programs at least. We also planned the actor's postures for the freeze frames, aiming to depict their main character trait.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Magazine & Poster

Thursday 25th November- We've decided to use this time to work on our print productions. Alice is working on the magazine front cover with the images took on the day we filmed in the half term which shows the actors in character and posing in character- this will help establish main characters to the audience and the soap.

Launa and Sarah are finding screen shots to involve on our magazine cover special because this will show the actors in character.

Thursday 25th November Problems

Unfortunately only female actors could make it in today and we're left with such short notice that would could not refilm anything today, however we've rescheduled once again and will include the male actors so hopefully tomorrow our courtyard scenes will be finished!

Editing Problems!

As a group we have decided our footage of the courtyard scenes are too windy and our actors cannot be heard and therefore we feel these scenes are unusable and would be a waste to use them.

We've now rescheduled actors to come in on the Thursday 25th of november to refilm our courtyard scenes to then be able to continue editting.

Editing Begins

Our whole group has now reviewed all of our footage as it stands on the tapes we used.

We've put every scene on the Mac's and are ready to begin editting to create our new soap trailer!

We've begun to add each scene and cut scenes to the right length and position them to create the trailer's structure, i.e. beginning with the opening establishing shot of HM Prison Canterbury and ending with the great piece of footage with the girl screaming 'Let Me Out'

We have been using Final Cut Pro 6 and Soundtrack Pro to help edit the sound together.