Monday, 3 January 2011

More Music

We had a brief evaluation at the end of last term before Christmas and decided that we were happy with the second half of our edited trailer, but not so happy with the first half. One big improvement we deemed necessary was to add some music to the first half of the trailer.

We spent quite a while last term trying to achieve this but couldn't work out which style of music we wanted. However, Launa, Alice and I spent an hour today using Soundtrack Pro to create a mix which we are happy with and just needs a little tweaking to make sure it fits well with the moving image; otherwise we may end up creating a sense of confusion for the audience. For the music, Alice began with just a simple beat and then added extra guitar and built the layers and it sounds really good. The piece of music starts to become quite rocky at the end so that we can more easily change to the loud theme music we use in the second half of the trailer. The two pieces of music don't quite correlate however, so we are hoping to use a 'DJ Scratch' to mix them together.

We also sorted out a problem with our video too because we imported pictures from a USB to be added to the video for the 'screenshots', when we reopened the file at first the pictures had gone. This was because we had removed the USB, however we transferred the images to the Mac and then re-imported them and added them to the trailer and this problem is now resolved.

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